On arrival
We will support you in every way we can to make your stay here in Germany, in Lübeck at the Campus, as well as in Denmark, in Sønderborg at the Campus as convenient and enjoyable as possible.
After your arrival in Lübeck, you may contact Ms Venker and visit her office so that she can help you with anything you may need assistance with. We will have an official Introduction the week before lectures begin, in which we do an official welcome, a library and campus tour, a city rally etc. There will also be an intercultural workshop and a guided city tour.
There are tutors and senior students and the International Office who and which will help you with all the organisational requirements within the first weeks. They will also organize events such as bowling and pub visits, as well as trips to Hamburg and Berlin during the semester. You can ask them about everything regarding your studies and living in Lübeck.