Finances and accomodation
Total living costs in Lübeck per month: Approximately 800 Euro.
Sometimes it takes students 5 semesters to finish studies, so you should calculate that for your savings!
How to find work
According to a rough guideline, students are allowed to work 120 full days or 240 half days a year. For details or if you need to work more than the allotted amount of days, you may check with the local "Ausländerbehörde" or look at the information of the Studentenwerk. Jobs related to your studies can be done without limitation.
Some other regional online job search engines, which you can check regularly are:
There are several possibilities for accommodation in Lübeck. You can choose to live in a dormitory, in a shared flat or you decide to find a flat/room by yourself.
For the dormitories you have to apply online at the Studentenwerk not later than the 15th of July!
Please note: In Germany you must pay broadcasting licence fees on a monthly basis of around 17 Euro.
Besides the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), there are various German funding organisations that offer scholarships for Germans and Internationals. Normally, you must apply early for them.
Please, get in touch with us for more information.